"Implementation is simply a tangible expression of vision." - Me

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Free Software

Over the years I have designed, created, and maintained many databases and applications - both web driven and standalone. Most of my web-driven applications utilized a MS SQL, however, I also developed several smaller databases for non-profit organizations and other third parties.

I believe some of these systems may be useful to other organizations. I am providing shell applications free of charge. If you like the software or would like further development to meet your specific application, please contact me.

Title   Description
TrackSales.mdb   Tracks employees, sales, commissions, and other information for events. Note: This database was specifically developed for tracking popcorn stadium sales. It could easily be changed to track other event sales.
DiveShop.mdb   I designed this database for a local dive operation. There is a significant amount of data collected on customers that can be used for sales, decision support, and liability protection. I have found that most dive operations focus on their core competencies - diving, but could significantly increase profitability if they could better track information. For example, if a customer rented fins, you could send a coupon directly to them for 10% off fins. This would bring the customer into your shop for the fins and possibly other sales. Status: Incomplete. The back-end is fairly robust, however, I have not finished designing the front-end and reports.
ChrisDB2003.mdb   ChrisDB2003 was designed to track gifts for a children's home. Basically, the children were allowed to request gifts for Christmas. Donors could donate gifts and they would be assigned to the children. The database allowed the Children's home to know who donated what items and print charitable donation receipts among other things. It ensured that everyone received the correct gifts. I believe a web-front end would be particularly useful for this application. Part of the reason I developed the application was to use it as an opportunity to teach the older children about databases and programming.
NReip.mdb   A program to track seasonal internships and related information.
Club.mdb   A simple database to track club memberships.

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Tim Hayes makes no warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose regarding these materials, and makes such materials available solely on an "as-is" basis.

In no event shall Tim Hayes be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of these materials.

© 2000-5 Timothy A. Hayes All Rights Reserved 602/315-8696